1,000 Words worth 2017-7

Each week for 2017, [tweetthis]I’m posting a photo and a bit of flash fiction. I’m keeping the words brief because, you know, “a picture is worth a thousand….”[/tweetthis] To find out more click here.


How do you work it again?”

“Just stick your paw in here like this, and flip the food out.  It’s supposed to be more a more satisfying way for us to eat.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Woman-servant said so.  She bought it for us.”

“You mean the same servant who said I was fat?”

“She should look in the mirror and see who’s fat.”

“Remember what we did when the man-servant bought us that cheap litter? Don’t worry, we can stop this anytime we want.”

“Did she tell you eating like this is more like hunting?  What’s hunting?”

“Beats me.  You go get her hats and mittens and hide them all over the house.  I’ll go push the papers around on Man-servants desk and meow pitifully.”

“Yeah.  Do you think he still has tuna stashed in his desk drawer just for us?”

We might have to get a new woman-servant. I’ll sit on her knee, all sweet and cozy, and bite her fingers when she tries to pat me. If that doesn’t work, I’ll get on Amazon tonight and order one of these for man-servant. He’ll flip out when he gets his dinner served in one of these.”

“Woman-servant would do it, too Don’t you think?”


“Why are you dissing me like that?  It’s a legitimate question, isn’t it.”

“Duh.. You know she would. She’s mean.”


Don't forget to hop on over to Pierced Wonderings. She has some gorgeous photos of Mardi Gras.  Wow! It's that time of year already.
Pierced Wonderings