Fifty Day: Abbygayle

Last week I started a challenge to write a story that is exactly 50 words! Thank you, Boy with a Hat. So how to proceed? I decided to pick a name each week from Dorothy Astoria’s The Name Book. (I do often consult her book for character names.). Here I go for week two.

Abbygayle whispered into third grade. Blond hair curled over shoulders; blue eyes tentative.

“Abby, please.” She replied to Teacher’s roll call. She worried her pencil in all ten fingers.

Teacher’s smile wavered. Abbygayle’s permanent record suggested turbulence.

Family celebrated gusto. School required breeziness. Abby exhaled slowly, battening a rising squall.

That was super-fun and challenging. Wednesdays will be my Fifty day. For a while anyways. I do have a lot of words blowing around inside of me.

I’m not sure if I can hold off writing about George Floyd or the new infrastructure bill or climate change. Breathe in….breathe out. Ahhh… That feels better.

Oh Drat! I lost the calm.