Fifty Word Wednesday: Melanie Mellan

diverse classmates bullying hispanic student in university Photo by Keira Burton on

I started a personal challenge to write a story that is exactly 50 words! Thank you, Boy with a Hat. Not that he set up a formal challenge, but it was his idea. And his writing is worth checking out. So please click the link and find out what he’s up to. If you want to begin at my beginning, click here or search in the side panel with the words, “fifty word.”

I woke up this morning with the name Melanie Mellan on my mind. So of course, that’s my starting point. I didn’t remember until after I wrote my 50-word story, that I had a friend in college named Melanie. She married Mace. Maybe the alliteration from my subconscious fueled my story.

I thank my good friend, Diane, for suggesting I set up a formal Challenge. Almost everything she writes makes me smile. (Except when she makes me cry.) Check out her blog at “On the Border.”

Melanie Mellan’s parents loved alliteration. They referred to each other as Mom (instead of Susannah,) and Marlon.

Miserable, Melanie found her name ripe for teasing. 

 “Melanie, show us those melons.” Boys taunted. 

 “M’Lady, thinks she’s hot stuff.” Girls mistook introversion for pretension.

Insisting on simply Milly, Melanie cauterized the wounds.

Wednesdays are super-fun and challenging because paring down to exactly 50 words is really hard.

I never know what’s going to flow directly from my brain to my fingertips and onto the virtual page. Every week it’s a bit of a surprise.

I love finding out what you think.

Would you like to join me in for a 50-Word Wednesday Challenge? Please add your link in the comments section. I promise to pop over and read your stories. And feel free to copy this picture. Please include the caption, or add my link, into your blog, so your readers can find me.

please add this pic and the link to your blog when you join the 50-Word Wednesday ChallengE AT BLACK TORTOISE PRESS.