Gratitude Monday: Little Problems

I got to thinking about my “First World” problems on my walk this morning.  How lucky I am to have the problems I have.  When I left for my walk, I had my iPhone in hand, my Bose headset, and more music than I needed for a three-mile walk.  I forgot my water bottle. The water is what got me thinking about all the little problems I have.

[icon name=”heart-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Should I drink bottled water or tap water?  What’s more economical, what’s more environmentally friendly, what’s better for me, what taste better?Half Glass Well, for the Love of Mike!  I have water. Water that is fresh, safe, and abundant.  I have enough clean water that I can water my flowers without thinking twice about it.

[icon name=”heart-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  It’s harvest time.  I have so many vegetables I’m getting stressed.  Should I can them, should I freeze, should I bake, should I give some to the neighbors, should I give the food pantry? Did I get everything picked, did anything go to waste, did the groundhog get them? Am I eating too much? Holy Guacamole! I have enough food to feed my family all winter long. I have enough to spare.IMG_0195

[icon name=”heart-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  A new flute friend, Kris, asked me to join the community band.  Do I have enough time? Am I good enough? Will Can I make that much of a commitment?  For Pete’s sake!  How nice of her to ask. She has a lot of faith in me.

[icon name=”heart-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  I met CeCe for a 2-mile walk, then yoga with a new, powerful yoga instructor, I came home just in time to walk and meet CoCo on her way home from work. I should be writing, I should be sending my manuscript out, I should attack my to-do list.  How blessed I am that my daughters want to spend time with me, and they live close enough that we can.6

[icon name=”heart-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  I really want to carve out time to visit Mom.  I could leave Thursday and come back Monday. My desk is a mess and that’s really bugging me.  No, I have a presentation at a meeting on Thursday and I just got an assignment for Saturday.  [tweetthis]Heavens to Murgatroid![/tweetthis I get to talk to my Mom almost anytime I want. And I have work to do. Blessings noted.

[icon name=”heart-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] One more teensy-tiny thing on my gratitude list:  I just learned how to use my “Insert Icon” widget. Yes Indeed! I can learn new tricks.

What’s on your gratitude list this week?  Please join me my pasting my link below.  Or stroll on over to the Link-up at Alphabet Salad and join Laurel for a little gratitude.