Monday Delights #9: clouds, geeks, mistakes, and more

baby in white onesie Photo by Daria Shevtsova on

This adorable baby is a bit of “Kawaii,” because, you know, just looking at cute things can help us feel more positive about each other? Awww…

Something is in the air pushes me to focus on DELIGHT this year.

This is Women’s History Month. In 1911, it was just a day (March 8.) Now it’s a whole month.. Today’s quote is from Susan L. Taylor.

This week’s quote is from one of the original suffragists.

As a reminder of what delight can do for us, here’s a bit of inspiration from NPR.

Here’s a few other things that delighted me this week:

Birthday cards: Friday was my birthday. My family has a tradition of “showering” each other with cards when another decade passes. That’s what happened this week. All month, my mailbox contained cards. Funny cards, inspirational cards, loving cards, heart-felt cards. I’m gonna miss February!

Silly mistakes: Sometime, I still laugh at mistakes I made long ago. Like the time I said, “Correct me if you’re wrong.” (Well, maybe that’s was more of a Freudian slip.) I had several this week, some due to auto-correct, but mistakes nonetheless. I wish I could remember them all.

Geeks celebrating. Loved-One downloaded an app to our TV so we can watch NASA. I’m getting as much delight out of him watching as I did the people celebrating Perseverance landing. (The video takes about 4 minutes, but totally worth it.) I really like seeing how many women are involved in the space program. I suppose that’s partly because I’m old enough to remember the moon landing, when the women were all in the background.

  • Open dining rooms: We actually had lunch in a restaurant, socially distanced from other people, and donning our facemasks when we weren’t eating, and whenever the waitstaff approached.
  • Turkish delight: You know, like from the book The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. I got a small box from Istanbul for my birthday. Mmmmm…. after eating Turkish delight, I understand why it was Edmund’s downfall in Narnia. Mmmmm….
  • Red skies: For one thing, I get a kick out of seeing a front move in. And, darn it, it’s just plain awesome.

I hope you find delight this week.

I know it makes me feel better to jot down a few things and remind myself how much delight I have in my life..

And now we have a California Covid-19 variant. The best way to prevent mutation is to not let the virus replicate.

Covid variants are like ants, there’s no such thing as just having one.

We will win this war. We just need to remain diligent. Thanks to the app Citizen, I can track the COVID-19 statistics. My state vaccinated 15.65% of its population. How’s your state doing.

In the meantime, don’t forget to practice the five Ws:

  • Wear a mask;
  • Watch your distance,
  • Wash your hands, and
  • Work together.
  • And Win this war. (Thanks to Diane Tolley for my fifth W.)

How about you? What absolutely filled you with delight this week? Please share. Chances are you will delight me!