Okay, maybe I should make Distraction my middle name.  (My initials will be ADD.  Hmmm…) Most the time I’m pretty focused; I just want to do so many different things.  Along came Candy Crush.  I wasn’t even interested, until all my favorite TV shows started including it as part of the current culture.  I don’t even like it, but I keep playing.  Get behind me Candy Crush; I have A Game Plan.

My Game plan for 2014:

  1. Get my novel published:  I will get editors, a cover designer, and a publisher.  I will.

    Progress:  Rod passed my manuscript and author profile on to the Senior Editor at Harvest House.  I got a very nice rejection e-mail from him.  He said, in part:   “I looked at your submission and the writing is better than most I see, so I do think you’re a good writer. But…  I want to encourage you to keep writing and keep sharpening your craft. ”  Oh now, that’s good-bad news, isn’t it.Guy KawasakiSo