Pause, Breathe, and Take Stock 2017-7

I’m mellowing into our new political climate.  Perhaps mellowing is too sedentary a word.  This weekend I began to see some plus sides.  I’m not one to use the phrase, “all things happen for a reason,” or even “it must be God’s plan.”  However, I can see that people can be energized toward good when they see the unsavory side of human nature, and we can do God’s will in the wake of tragedy.  I love our new environment stimulates so many people to demonstrate, boycott, listen, discuss, get involved in local government, etc.[tweetthis] Each of us, no matter how small, can make a difference. [/tweetthis]Most of my sadness has abated and I can see sunshine in my days. I’m sure it helps that I literally see more sunshine and the days are getting longer, as well as warmer.

Here’s a few more things, in no particular order, that I am grateful for this Monday morning:

  • People missed me at yoga while I substituted for my friend.  Oh the regulars welcomed me back with hugs and back slapping.
  •  Christine, the leader, finished A SHIP OF PEARL and l-o-v-e, loved it.  She had a short chat with me about the poetry, rhythm, voice, and structure.  WOW!
  • I have a book reading at the local library this Wednesday.
  • We got a snow-blower for Christmas and it hasn’t snowed since.
  • Wrestler #1 turned us on to the documentary “Forks over Knives.” We committed ourselves to getting the cookbook and shifting our diet.
  • A new writers group.
  • Aldi‘s where I get great dark chocolate bars with hazelnuts.
  • Messager, so I can connect with nieces when I think of them.
  • An invitation from one of my nephews.
  • Miss S who turned 10 this weekend.
  • (knock-on-wood) Escape from the flu that’s going around.
  • Co-Co’s annual Valentine’s dinner that’s she’s planning for tomorrow.
  • My editor agreed to join my page, and offered to include a guest post from me.

What’s on your gratitude list this week?  You always make me think of more reasons to give thanks.  Please share.

Here’s one of my favorite photos of Miss S.  It’s from a few years ago, but it captures her personality so perfectly. And she loves to cook with me.