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Monday Delights #30: frogs, cool nights, CDs

white rabbit in brown wooden box

Photo by Elijah O'Donnell on


What delights you this week? Here’s a bit of “Kawaii.” This baby rabbit reminds me of a bunny I saw while Loved One and I traveled this weekend. Under a viaduct, next to a gas station, the sweet bunny calmly munched on grass as if she were nowhere near traffic. Just looking at cute things can help us feel more positive about each other. It’s August and the shadows get longer ever day.

August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Let’s roll up our sleeves, check our vaccination records, and encourage others to do the same thing. has all kinds of tools to help with your assessment for COVID-19 and beyond.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Something is in the air pushes me to focus on DELIGHT this year.

As a reminder of what delight can do for us, here’s a bit of inspiration from NPR.

CoCo and I have a calendar of “summer days.” August 4 is “Chocolate Chip Cookie Day.” I think I’ll whip up a batch this afternoon. Mr. N plans to visit. I can surprise him.

Here’s a few things that delighted me this week:

Songs from the 70s: Loved One and I took a roadtrip this weekend to visit Mom. He surprised me and put a bunch of CDs in the car. Remember CDs? We have a very old car, so we still have a CD player. We took turns quizzing each other to identify singer; we rarely succeeding. This song particularly delighted both of us. Loved One knew after the first few bars who the songwriter was and almost all the lyrics. As a short person, I love that someone might be afraid of me just because of my tiny little feet. I love seeing this YouTube video with a very young (and tall) Randy Newman.

Cool nights: August promises warm days, long afternoon shadows, and cool nights. All delightful. I have wonderful memories of camping trips and 4-H fairs in August. And of course, there’s the sweet anticipation of going back to school after a long time away from friends.

Tiny frogs: I spotted one, then another, and oh my, there’s a tiny little frog on almost every leaf. Mom says she loves hearing the frogs sing at night. With cooler nights, she has her windows opened to let in the breeze and the music. These little guys are so tiny, we feared a wasp would take them away.

Tiny frog on a begonia leaf

The more I look for things that delight me, the more I find delights. There’s so much in the world that makes me smile.

I hope you find delight this week.

I know it makes me feel better to jot down a few things to remind myself how much delight I have in my life.

The 61% of those eligible for vaccination in my state has barely moved. About 50% of Americans are vaccinated. Almost 100% of those hospitalized due to Covid-19 are unvaccinated. The epidemic is now about the unvaccinated.

See my latest post about the impact of Covid-19 on children: Covid Children: It’s no little thing

Click here to see how your state is doing.

If you were hesitant, I hope you find reasons to put your fear aside in favor of protecting yourself and others. Some people are too young, others are immune-compromised or have other medical issues. Let’s be neighborly and protect those that can’t get vaccinated.

I am surprised to learn that the county where I live has 83% of ICU beds occupied. The CDC warns that the Delta varient is much more contagious and may lead to more severe illness.

I really look forward to the day that I no longer feel the need to update readers on this subject!

I hope this week brings you delight upon delight.

What delighted you this week? Chances are you will delight me!

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