Pause, Breathe, and Take Stock 2017-11

Post op.

Some Mondays my “pause” is longer than others.  So much humdrum in my life.  What’s the point in sharing?  Not today.  I am gleeful in my gratefulness.  Why? I can see! Friday I had surgery to remove a cataract.  Things had progressed unusually fast, as Dr. Eyes explained.  It was like looking through vaseline.  OMGosh!  The first day with no bandages I literally fainted from the intensity of color my poor little “cones cells” experienced.  Really, truly.  The whole room began to spin. Click here to see if you are tetra-chromatic, like I am.[tweetthis] My eyes are as sensitive to color as they were when I was a child.[/tweetthis]

And print.  Oh My!  It’s like everything is in bold.  And here I was cursing “the poor quality of print these days.”

Saturday the bandages came off. Today I got a post-op call.

I can see!  It’s wonderful!

I could tell by the way the caller responded that she didn’t know quite how to deal with my exuberance.  “Okay, that’s good,” she responded, in a that-nice-crazy-lady sort of way.

Here’s a few more things that elicit sheer joy.

[icon name=”eye” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] A late season snow, ever so small that gave us a chance to try out our Christmas gift snow-blower.

[icon name=”eye” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] I L-O-V-E, love OVE I slowed my reading because I didn’t want to say goodbye.  And I cried when the last chapter came to a close.  I miss you OVE.

[icon name=”eye” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Peanut butter filled pretzels.  Need I say more.

[icon name=”eye” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Flute music that I can now read!  Oh yeah.  Another reason to celebrate cataract surgery.

[icon name=”eye” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] My neighbor, Doris, who sent French pastries as part of my recovery plan.

[icon name=”eye” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Lisa Romeo, my editor, for her sweet tweet-out.  Check her out here.

[icon name=”eye” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Scrivener software and tutorial, which is keeping my next book on track.  Working title, MAY HIS TRIBE INCREASE. You may recognize the line from one of my favorite poems, “Abou Ben Adham” by James Henry Leigh Hunt.

What’s on your list of blessings this week?

As always, your gratitudes reminds me of my own.  So please share in the comment section.  I love hearing from you.