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Pause, Breathe, and Take Stock: 2017-18


[tweetthis]Sometimes life gives me a muddling of happiness, excitement, and fear. [/tweetthis]

This past week, my kids treated me to a wonderful Mother’s Day, I attended a branding and marketing class, and my brother got admitted to the hospital for bypass.  Yes, it was one of those muddled weeks.

My brother Loren just turned the big “6-0″ in April.  Last week he felt pain in his chest, called the doctor and told him  to get right to the hospital.  Responsible man that he is, he finished his meeting. (He had important information to share, in case he didn’t come back.) next he drove himself to the hospitals.  After a successful surgery, he’s recovering.  Whew!  With Mom still vibrant and energetic at 89 years old, I can forget that genetics is only part of the story.

Here’s a few more things that make me pause:

[icon name=”heartbeat” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Flowers in the Metra washroom.  What a delightful surprise.

[icon name=”heartbeat” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Breakfast on Mother’s Day in an empty restaurant. Well, it was 6:30 a.m.

[icon name=”heartbeat” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  A successful flute solo of Ave Maria.

[icon name=”heartbeat” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Confirmation that I’m on the right track with social media.

[icon name=”heartbeat” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  A thank you from Matthew Kelly, author of Resisting Happiness.

[icon name=”heartbeat” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Surprise cupcakes from my neighbor.

[icon name=”heartbeat” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  A clean garage.

[icon name=”heartbeat” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  A summer-ready water garden filled with tadpoles and waiting for new koi or goldfish.

[icon name=”heartbeat” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Lilacs blooming on Mother’s Day.  (Not mine, yet.) Lilacs and Mother’s Day hold a special place in my heart.  Read all about on my other blog,  “Flowers for Mother’s Day”

[icon name=”heartbeat” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Loved-One taking me to and from the train station.

What makes you stop and count your blessings this week?  Your lists almost always make be remember more things worth pausing to take stock.

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