“State of the Union” Part 2

In 2016 I sojourned through the both Party Platforms as  re-election data gathering.  Today we are almost one year through the new Republican administration with a Republican majority in both the House and Senate.  What did Republicans say they wanted to do and what got accomplished?

This is the second in my series. I bolded those area that progressed in the direction the Party Platform intended.  [tweetthis]Will the intended consequences be realized?[/tweetthis]  I think it’s too soon to tell, and in some cases, I don’t know if there will be a direct link.  For example, 20 EPA regulatory actions were reversed in 2017. It’s unclear whether that had, or will have, and impact on responsible home ownership.

If you want a refresher, search this site for “State of the Union.” If you want a review of what I did pre-election, search for “Party Platform.”


The Republicans’ plan for jobs and the economy:

We will By So that Status
Not divide people into winners and losers Eliminating as many special interest provisions and loopholes as possible and curb corporate welfare We don’t penalize thrift and discourage investment.  No laws or resolutions passed during 2017.


Level the international playing field Lowering the corporate tax rate to be on a par with, or below the rates of other industrial nations America is competitive.  Corporate tax for 2018 is 21%, one of the lowest in the developed world. (click here for my source)
Level the international playing field Switching to a territorial system of taxation Profits earned and taxed abroad may be repatriated for job-creating investments. No laws or resolutions passed during 2017.  (Here is a link that describes what this is)
Prevent foreign governments from limiting American access to their markets while stealing our designs, patents, brands, know-how, and technology. Broadening our trade agreements with countries which share our values and commitment to fairness The interests of the U.S. workers are advanced.  No new trade agreements (Source USTR.gov)
Avoid future taxpayer housing market bailouts Scaling back the role of government in the housing market Homeowners and lenders are responsible.  No laws passed.  Senate Resolution to declare September 2017 & 2018 as “National Month for Renters.”
Advance responsible homeownership End government mandates to satisfy lending quotas to specific groups We end discrimination in the mortgage industry. Current FHA, USDA, and VA loan programs remain intact.
Advance responsible homeownership Reviewing federal environmental regulations We make it easier and less costly for Americans to rent, buy, or sell homes. 20 EPA deregulatory actions completed in 2017, 47 more are underway. (Source: EPA.gov)
Eliminate Federal funds for ferries, bike-share, sidewalks, recreational trails, landscaping Remove the Highway Trust Fund programs We end the current administration’s efforts to get people out of their cars.  The TAP program is funded through 2020 (Federal Highway  Administration)
Eliminate Federal funds for Amtrak Allow private ventures to provide passenger service to the northeast corridor and high-speed intercity rail across the country American taxpayers don’t subsidize public transportation Public transportation funding remains flat. (Source, Federal Highway Administration.)
Create a partnership with individuals and industries for investment and innovation Simplifying the tax code, reduce corporate rates, transition to a territorial system, and create incentives for investment and innovation. We have a business climate that rewards risk and promotes innovation. Corporate tax for 2018 is 21%, one of the lowest in the developed world. (click here for my source)

No laws or resolutions passed during 2017.  (Here is a link that describes territorial system)

Create new jobs, give access to new markets, open opportunities to underserved populations, and expand consumer choices. Paving the way for broadband deployment and completion on the internet and for internet services.

Encouraging the sharing economy and on-demand platforms

We are competitive in an open market FCC reversed the Net Neutrality requirements adopted in 2015;

$6.5 billion over the next 10 years allocated to bring 4-G networks primarily to rural areas.

(To find out more about FCC initiative click here.)


Improve the Electric Grid Expediting siting processes and the thoughtful expansion of the grid Our aging grid is replaced in seven to ten years.  The current strategic plan covers 2014-2018.

For more information including mission and budget got to https://www.ferc.gov/about/about.asp

Reduce the occupational licensing laws Overturning the Dodd-Frank law Millions of entrepreneurial careers open. No laws enacted.

Ted Cruz introduced a bill (S.340) to repeal the “Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection” or Dodd-Frank on February 14, 2017.  GovTrack.com projects a 3% chance of success.  For details click here.

Annually audit the Federal Reserve’s activities Advancing legislation already approved by the House The Federal Reserve’s role is carried out in a more transparent manner. No laws enacted.

Rand Paul introduced S.16 and Thomas Massie introduced H.R. 24 on 3/28/17 Paul’s bill has a 5% chance of success, while Massie’s has a 34% chance.

Source: GovTrack.us

Bring labor laws into the 21st century Supporting the States to enact Right-to-work laws. We protect economic liberty of the modern workforce. No laws enacted.

Rand Paul introduce S.545 on 3/17/18 and Steve King introduced H.R. 785 on 2/1/17.  Chances of success are 6% and 16%, respectively.

Source: GovTrack.us

Limit non-cash benefits of the federal workforce Reviewing the unionization of the federal workforce for the effects on cost, quality, and performance of the civil service. We align iFederal compensation and benefits  with most American employees and expedite firing of bad workers, tax cheats, and scammers. Federal employees received at 1.9% pay raise in January 2018, slightly lower than 2.1% by Obama and lower than the Federal Adjustment of Income Rates (FAIR) Act in January, which proposes a 3.2% increase.

Military employees received a 2.1% increase.

(For my source, click here.)

Reduce the Federal Dept Imposing caps on future dept, accelerate the repayment of the trillions now owed. Our economy is strong. No laws enacted.

Virginia Foxx introduced H.R. 3719, Spending Safeguard Act on September 9, 2018. Chance of success is 4%.

Source: GovTrack.us


Amid the tweet-storms, name calling, network dramas, and general theatrics, in the first year, some things got accomplished that the Republicans set out to do.

Is that good news or bad news?  What do YOU think?