A Gift of Time

The greatest gift we have is our time. – Meditation from St. Francis Xavier

It’s cold and winter is here; summer still clings with all her might.  Sometimes, that’s the way I feel.  I love summer.  Still, there’s something invigorating about a brisk walk in crisp air.

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My friend Geri gifted me with a day in Chicago with friends. Of course I can go anytime, but I don’t.  I wait for a reason. What better reason than time with a friend.

First we visited the French Market.  I never knew it was there. In all my years of commuting, I never even wondered what lie beneath Ogilvy Station. I purchased a knit open-back hat from Amerinkas Native Art & Jewelry. I swear I knitted this pattern as a 10-year old 4-H participant. I must ask Mom if she still has the pattern.  She just might.

Next we went to Old Saint Patrick’s Church.  It’s one of the oldest churches in Chicago.

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The altar is filled with Celtic knots. The artist melded Celtic symbolism —homage to a Great Presence manifested throughout nature— with Catholic belief in the Three Persons in One God.
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This is part of the Terence MacSwiney Memorial Window.St. Pat's 5
The windows in St. Pat’s have over 2000 shades. What’s really stunning about the colors is that the artist, Thomas O’Shaughnessy, created them with different mixes of minerals. The colors are in and of the glass, not added as a dye, or painted on. Some of the pieces are as small as one of my pinky fingernails. Incredible.  I never saw so many pastel colors in stained glass before I visited St. Pat’s.
Originally a German community church, it is now filled with Celtic symbolism.St. Pat's 4

Lunch at Athena and we could be under the blue skies of the Mediterranean. I felt warmer just sitting there with my friends.

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So glad For my new hat.  I love hats, plus I needed it, plus, I love the fit.  A three-way win.  I have a big noggin, so a good fit is a bit difficult for me.  St. Pat's 1

My thank-you to Geri and the rest of my buddies who keep filling up my heart. I feel so blessed by your friendship.

Last night my cousin Don called. He’s in Chicago for a conference. Guess where I’m going? I feel so lucky when people want to spend time with me.

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