Pause, Breathe, and Take Stock: 2017-24

Fireworks with family on Friday and a lovely weekend with Loved-One, Miss G and Miss K in Chicago.  I’m a lucky woman.  I love this picture I took in the South Loop.  New springing up behind old, people and cars bustling, and of course signs reminding us to mind our manners.  

Here are a few more things, in no particular order, that make me say ahhhh…life is good.

  • Character profiles that sit down beside me on the L train and beg to be written into my next book.
  • Fresh strawberries with fine whiskers standing at attention.
  • Chocolate French toast with crime brûlée topping.
  • Applewood bacon from Costco. 
  • Sasha and Misha playing with yarn and bring piece offerings to my bedroom.
  • Lunch dates with local friends.
  • A good dentist who feels like afriend.
  • Long conversations with Mom.
  • Grandchildren who like to play badminton with me.  And ping pong.
  • A good allergy medicine, with no side affects that I notice.
  • Clean Public restrooms. ( Walking around a city all day with two little girls makes me appreciate this luxury more than usual.

What makes you pause and say “ahhh…life is good” this week?  Don’t forget to leave a reply, so I can delight in your delights.

This is a photo of the restroom in the train station.